Body Tuners
We are a personal training studio offering strength training and fat-burning focus for clients of all fitness levels. Whether you’re a little overweight, struggling to improve your endurance, attempting to increase your mobility, trying to build muscle, or you simply like the idea of letting someone else design your workout and motivate you.
At Body Tuners, our goal is to create a comfortable experience that fosters personal growth and allows our clients to make strides in improving their overall fitness level. We believe that people in a variety of fitness levels deserve a work out experience that is relative to their conditioning and strength. Our goal is to program fun and creative workouts that push our clients to reach new fitness goals and thus improve their overall health.
Body Tuners Items
Retail Value: $120.00
Your Price: $85.00
In Stock

Retail Value: $150.00
Your Price: $105.00
In Stock